Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Vertical Marathon Training - 27 Feb 08

Stress at work taking its toll and National Vertical Marathon is just around the corner. So i decided to forgo my by-now weekly Crawford-Kim Seng 13km loop run for some anti-gravity workout.
Meeting with GA ate into 5pm but thankfully it ended by 510pm. Rushed to my workstation and changed into SCSM07 vest and Adidas black shorts, USK and NB735 Blue. Did a short run to one of the 30 storey flats along Victoria Street, opposite ICA Building.
Did 2 sets of 30 storeys and managed to wrap everything up, which include a short run back to office, before 6pm.
Shoe: NB 735 Blue
Distance: 2 sets of 30 storeys

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